Thursday, March 08, 2007

Savage attack

You know you've come a full circle when the animals we protect end up killing our own children. In the last 2 months, Bangalore has witnessed the deaths of two small kids, both under the age of 10, bitten by packs of stray dogs. Plainly put, it is appalling. We have a law in place which does not permit the "putting-to-sleep" of stray dogs. That is fair enough, the whole matter of taking the life of a lesser creature, is controversial and involves many facets such as animal rights. However, such a law, for a lack of an alternative that can be implemented more easily, has resulted in a steady increase in stray dog numbers. Consequently, you have stray dog packs in every locality.
Similar reports have surfaced in other parts of the country as well, and the victim has always been a young child. These attacks should not be viewed as stray behaviour, they rather indicate pack mentality, which should come as no surprise as dogs come from the wolf family.
While I definitely support a more humane way of treating the stray dog menace, such as sterilizing and providing shelter in state/NGO run dog-homes, it is a well-known fact that with all our budget restraints matters such as providing shelters to stray dogs will always take last priority (This means it will never be implemented). In which case we are left with two choices, put the stray dogs to sleep or watch our children savagely attacked by packs. Between the two, despite all the legitimate cries of animal rights activists, I would prefer the former.

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