Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Being an Indian

I find myself in a time and place where almost everyday I am meeting someone new, someone from a different culture, someone who looks at the world in different ways than I do. Most often when I explain where I am from, I am mostly met with the response that I am in one of the most exciting places today. And yes, that is quite true. India is definitely an exciting place to be today, there is a lot happening in the country. Every industrial sector is writing new stories, be it IT, retail, media or telecom, to name a few. Educated Indian minds express themselves and their opinions quite eloquently over personal blogs. There are many questions being posed in the public space, over education, government, labour and there are quite a few intellectuals who nurture public debate over informed articles in the print media.
We are looking at a period when the reins of the future are slowly being handed over to a younger generation, a generation that is very ambitious, a generation that is increasingly questioning it's identity in a world that is more connected today than it ever has been. The whiff of change is ever present, but lest one gets carried away with optimism, there are serious problems (social and political) that are ever present too. It is upto this new, young, hot-blooded generation to find more imaginitive solutions to the issues that face the country. When independence was won in 1947, democracy in India was viewed by the west as an experiment whose chances of success were bleak. But 60 years later, democracy survives in this great nation, not once has it slipped into military rule. History will continue to be written here and it's implications will have a lot of meaning for the rest of the world. I shall bring this post to an end with an inspiring video commemorating 60 years of Indian independence.

1 comment:

Redgun said...

Well i agree with most of what you have said here that its up to young indians like us to step up to transform our nation.

I would add that though we wish to step up the way things are at the moment you will be pulled down. There has to be a more thought process in ending corruption first and it will happen i feel but will take a hella lotta time. There has to be a change in the attitude of people where there are values that people should have before them before surging ahead.
I will end this here vl discuss this someday :)