Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Like the gentle breeze that wafts though the slender stalks of green paddy fields, like the soft rain that falls upon the rustic earth....the cool water quenching its thirst, like the warmth that envelops them when two lovers kiss, like the clear night sky speckled with a million stars that shine upon the universe, like the graceful trot of a stallion by the riverside......
Towards these beautiful aspects of nature, I bear no hate, but an association I have none.
I owe my allegiance to the raging storms that battle the titanic oceans on dark moonless nights, to the violent explosions on the surface of the sun threatening to split him apart, to the lone cliff that rises from the ground in contempt of the crashing waves, to the chest that braves a bullet in his struggle for freedom, to the spirit of the wolf as he howls to his pack just before they set out for a twilight hunt on the barren Alaskan snowfields
....It is these unspoken acts of defiance that have my loyalty.

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