Friday, July 28, 2006

Thoughts of a tired man 4 hours before bed time

I don't have anything to write about in particular, but I have some spare time on my hands.
I make an attempt to explain concert atmosphere, (most recently, had been to a Nickelback gig), the electric charge in the air, the opportunity to have screaming fun with a group of strangers whom you wouldn't recognise if you saw them on the street the next day. But I'll save that for another day, I'm not in a rocking state of mind.
I try to put forward my two cents on the Lebanon-Beirut crisis.
Action: Hezbollah kidnaps two soldiers.
Reaction: Southern Beirut is more or less reduced to rubble; 450 Lebanese, 50 Isrealis dead and still counting; around 500,000 people displaced; Condoleezza Rice wastes some air fuel doing her bit for environmental pollution, by aimlessly flying to Israel and Lebanon with not the slightest incline to attain a ceasefire, Bush's intellect is challenged yet again trying to figure out whether Lebanon is a country or a city!
Over reaction?

But while I would like to give a discourse on the futility of war, my tired mind disagrees. So we'll save that too.

Read a news article, family of approximately 7, finally decide to leave their village after a few days since the Israelis sent a warning. war planes, constantly scanning the terrain for any transportation of enemy ammunition, bomb the van in which the family is travelling. Cruelly enough, only survivors are 3 bleeding children, left to fend for themselves. Is the world crying???

Shall leave with a parting thought. When you begin to worry about your pay hike/ your next promotion/ your poor jilted self/ the impression your boss has about you/ how unfair life has been to you, pick up the paper. Rest assured you'll find enough to read, that will make your teensy-weensy problem seem like a scratch compared to the cancer this world suffers from.

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