Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mrs. Life

If life is a great teacher, then she definitely has some very confusing lessons. For instance, the practice of being well planned and organising one's time efficiently, would seem like a very valuable trait. But no sooner than you begin to exercise this discipline upon yourself and your surrounding life, you risk portaying yourself as a rigid person. You are criticized for your lack of flexibility, of not being able to accept that nothing in the world goes as planned, of expecting your matters and those accociated with yours to execute themselves like clockwork.
So little Johny tells himself, he needs to be more relaxed, a little less uptight about time, be more accepting of the inherent flaws in people and himself. Little Johny relaxes his principles a bit, but he is caught by surprise almost immediately, because now criticism comes again from the same quarters and maybe new ones as well. This time around his reliability is questioned, he comes across as a person who cannot be depended upon, how can one trust someone who does not value time, both his and that of his fellowmen??
Oh Life! Your stature as one of the greatest teachers of men is probably equalled only by Death, and I bow with both humility and respect. But I am just a small boy playing along the shores of the sea of knowledge that you have to impart. I may fall, I may hurt, I may go wrong, ....but I will learn.
So..... could you please cut me some slack!!!

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