Saturday, November 04, 2006

A blog less ordinary

I need to start a new blog. To all those, whose attention this blog hasn't been able to hold, my apologies. I must admit, I have been quite selfish about this blog. The words that are penned here are done so for the mere satisfaction and pleasure of the blogger himself. It isn't written keeping in mind what fellow netizens would like to read. Which brings me around to the idea, that if I had to write for someone who would I write for. A netizen is too broad a term.When it finally boils down to individuals, there are differences, there are sections of them with varying tastes, and while being able to cater to all of them through a single blog may not be impossible, it will take a lot of creative exhaustion to bring to existence. Luckily, I have had a certain section of my rare readers return to me with criticism which is constructive (Wise quote: Criticism which does not come forth, no matter how well intentioned, is anything but constructive. To Blog: The psychology of criticism) And while they speak, I feel quite safe in assuming that they speak for a greater majority. Words less taxing on the mind, ideas a little less complex, the blog for the normal man, who loves his meals, committed to his job, worries more about his family than his world and would prefer reading something more straightforward. I don't think at the end of a day he would like to decipher the esoteric writings of a blogger whose thoughts more often than not border on the unconventional. Then to you my friends I will soon begin one, we have laid the seeds, just give it some time to sprout. Watch this page.
As for this space here, I am afraid he will continue to cater to one mind alone.

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