Tuesday, December 05, 2006

King of a stellar war

The conflict has played itself out and battles are waged every day in an invisible realm. Some days there is a lull, but is usually followed by an intense struggle later. It is a conflict of ideologies, a conflict of principles, Odysseus trumpets rationale, Rama espouses compassion. Interestingly the outcome is known ab initio, ..... there can be no victor, this war can be waged for eternity. But we battle on, as if bound by duty. Someday a truce will be realised, ....someday.

And I stand among ruins today, the dust lies thick in the air. Entire settlements have been demolished in the aftermath. Every broken brick here holds a memory, but will be buried in time. She has visited these wreckages, I can feel her, her subtle yet sweet fragrance lingers. A single rain drop crashes on the terra firma and I look to the overcast sky. Before long my surroundings are drenched by the cloudburst, a man remains to comfort a troubled land.

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